Let Keller SHINE Again!

Jennifer Ramsey for Keller ISD Place 3
Politics have overtaken Keller ISD to the point that our district is now at risk of being split.
It is time for a new day in Keller ISD.
I am a certified educator with over 20 years of experience in the classroom.
I have also served in leadership roles for initiatives that have brought innovation and resilience to the communities where I have served.
As a parent of two students in the Fossil Ridge Feeder pattern, I am personally invested in what happens in our classrooms.
I am 100% against school vouchers.
I am 100% against splitting this district.
I am 100% against the agenda of Patriot Mobile and the politics that their PAC represents. Thier money never has been and never will be in my pocket.
There is no question that we are facing challenging times in Keller ISD.
If you want a candidate who will put politics aside and who will bring the voice of reason and experience to the boardroom, I am here to represent you.
Restoring Respect
Respect for students should be the foundation of education, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. I will focus on treating all students with dignity and compassion, particularly those from marginalized backgrounds, and empower students to advocate for the changes they want in the district.
Rebuilding Relationships
School Board members impact communities. When you have a school board member that engages in active listening and is able to bring your concerns to the table, it benefits the entire community. And, even when truth is hard to share, I will communicate with you openly and in a timely manner.
Renewing Trust
Renewing trust in our educators begins with empowering teachers, paraprofessionals, librarians, and counselors to do their best work. By restoring academic freedom and balanced schedules, we enable them to support students effectively. Our counselors handle sensitive issues with care, and librarians provide resources that align with community standards.
Fostering Resilience
Education is in turmoil right now at the local, state, and federal level. In order for Keller ISD to thrive through these times we will need a concerted plan that includes both advocacy and innovation. If we work together in these areas, we can bring a bright future to Keller ISD. It is time to SHINE!

Keller ISD: Current Boundary

Proposed Split
Keller ISD would fall within the red line. The rest of the district would be spit off and placed into a new district.

Current vs. Future Demographics
Student Enrollment (2023-2024): Approximately 35,000 students. About 75% of these students would be split out of Keller ISD and brought into the new district.
- White: ~53%
- Hispanic: ~24%
- Black: ~13%
- Asian: ~7%
- Other: ~3%
The students inside of the red line would be approximately 68% White, 14,9% Hispanic, 7.4% Asian, and 4% Black based on the current represenations at Keller High School There would be no Title I Schools inside of the red line.
- Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Tax Rate: 1.17 per $100 valuation (for 2023-2024).
- Interest and Sinking (I&S) Tax Rate: 0.31 per $100 valuation (for 2023-2024).
- Total Tax Rate: 1.48 per $100 valuation
- Annual Budget (2023-2024): Keller ISD’s budget is approximately $350 million.
- Funding Sources: A mix of local property taxes (a significant portion), state funding, and federal funds.
Information provided here has been pulled from publicly obtainable resources such as the official Keller ISD website and the Texas Education Agency (TEA).