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Campaign Donations

At the moment this campaign is pausing donations.

Update:  February 16, 2025

I want to be fully honest  with those considering voting for me or donating to my campaign.  Part of this means providing you with timely communication.  Here’s where things stand in my run for school board.

I decided to run in November 2023, before any talk of the split. I filed just hours before the dramatic school board meeting on January 16, 2024, making me the first to file for Place 3. If someone had presented the events of the past month as a script, I’m not sure I’d have believed it. It’s been an unpredictable ride, and I certainly didn’t anticipate a five-way race for Place 3.

A few days ago, I paused my donation button to step back and carefully consider the new dynamics. I’m meeting with my team, which includes family, supporters, and a professional campaign consultant, to reassess. I want to be responsible with donor dollars and mindful of how my race could impact the broader landscape in Keller ISD. I still believe I offer voters a unique choice, but I want to be sure my candidacy is both viable and impactful.

Here are my primary concerns:

Voter Rights: Voter suppression is a longstanding issue in Texas, and what’s happening in Keller ISD feels like a direct escalation of these tactics. The way the board is handling this decision reflects the same oppressive mentality seen in other communities across our state. We must rise together as a community to push back against these methods, which mirror broader political agendas at the state and federal levels.

Stewardship of Donor Dollars and Volunteer Time: The PAC candidates, funded by the Patriot Mobile PAC, will bring significant funding to the three races on the ballot, dividing our base. To be blunt, the candidates in Place 1 and Place 2 must win their races for us to stand a chance against the PAC. My race has become more complicated, and my team is evaluating the final filings and who is running. Experts are crunching numbers and making projections, and once we have those insights, we’ll assess the viability of my race and determine our strategy and budget. While I believe my voice is distinct among the candidates for Place 3, I won’t seek donations unless I see a clear path to victory. I don’t want to take away from the resources needed to support the candidates in Place 1 and Place 2.

Representation: I entered this race for two main reasons: as a parent and as an educator. As a parent, I’m frustrated by the board’s treatment of marginalized students—particularly LGBTQ students, those in Special Education and 504 programs, and families from diverse racial and economic backgrounds. As an educator, I see the lack of competence in how the district is being managed. Teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and staff come to me daily with concerns about how they are treated, despite giving their all for our students. Although I was inspired by the resistance I saw in January, I’ve mostly witnessed compliance from the board before and after. I’m not confident that the other candidates for Place 3 will represent the needs of these groups. These voters need someone who will stand up for them—boldly and without hesitation.

There are many other issues I’m working through with my team, but these are the primary concerns on my mind. Given their complexity, I believe it’s important to take a pause and re-evaluate. Regardless of what happens next, please know that I will remain engaged throughout this election. I won’t be silent. There’s too much at stake.

You will be hearing more from me soon.  ~ Jennifer Ramsey